April 30, 2013

My Day, In Four Photographs

Over the weekend and for the past two days I've been kicking myself that I didn't get a flu shot because I'm awfully sick. And what makes my predicament worse is the fact that I'm so fatigued from travelling 3+ hours each day to uni, I'm finding it pretty hard to get out of bed.

April 27, 2013

This City

During my first few weeks at VCA, I was given a roll of black and white film to photograph with. I decided to use up the film over three days, taking photos of little things that caught my eye while wandering through the city.

April 19, 2013


commute; verb
1 [ no obj. ] travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis: she commuted from Westport in to Grand Central Station.

April 14, 2013

The End of Summer

During certain times of the calendar year, I get incredibly nostalgic and find myself transporting my mind back to when I was thirteen, fourteen, fifteen years old and reliving moments that are etched into my memories.