In the past few years I’ve found the saying, 'the grass is always greener on the other side' to be undeniably true. More often that not, I picture that thing that’s on the other side to be a bright light at the end of a super long tunnel. When I moved to Geelong almost five years ago, my new school and new home were those bright beacons of light I was racing towards. When I ran into the light, everything seemed pretty similar to what it was like before I moved and I couldn’t work out why.
When I scroll through Instagram, I get serious FOMO (fear of missing out for those of you who aren’t up with the internetz). This is partly because I follow a lot of people who make a living out of travelling and taking photos (#jealous), and partly because right now, my life isn’t really all that exciting or #magical. It’s easy to make fun of those people who like to remind us on a daily basis that they are so #blessed but I’m also a teeny bit jealous of them.