April 14, 2015

Portrait Session with Alysha

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Recently, I've been finding myself wanting to share more of my paid work in this space.
If you are interested in booking a portrait shoot with me, you can email me at carolyn.west94@gmail.com for a quote. 

April 12, 2015

Easter Holidays


Happy Easter!

Whilst I acknowledge that Easter is a very religious time for most people, my Easter focus for the past few years has centred around enjoying time with family and learning to embrace change.

This year, my Easter break was consumed by a lot of studying. Back during fashion week, I thought it would be a good idea to take a week off to get all of my photo editing done...I was wrong. So very wrong. I've since been behind in all of my work, which made completing the few assignments I had much more difficult as I had to race through my coursework before I could even attempt writing out an essay.

So I've spent this week catching up on three weeks worth of media relations and the week before that focusing on feature writing. My pile of work seems endless, but I'm happy to report that I'm up-to-date and ready for week five. Bring on mid-term assignments! To keep me motivated I've been browsing the studyspo tag on Tumblr...you can thank me later.

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A rare, candid shot of your's truly ;)


I did, however, manage to get away for a few days over the Easter weekend. We visited family in Wangaratta on Easter Monday and Tuesday. Easter/Autumn is my favourite time of the year up in the North East and High Country. The colours of the leaves turn a rustic golden colour and the crisp, cool weather is so refreshing. I also love the faint smell of burning off in the valleys.

We left Geelong at 5:30am to reach Wangaratta by mid morning. We drove all the way to Lake Mulwala, just outside of Yarrawonga to take some photographs of the lake. My younger brother is in year 12 this year, and for Studio Arts he is exploring the notion of fear. Needless to say, the dead trees that litter the lake create an eerie vibe.

During our adventures, we came across four very friendly donkeys who came over to the fence to say hello. I've never actually seen a donkey before, weird I know, and I was so overjoyed that I was able to pat them through the fence. We affectionately gave them names and quoted Shrek to them, which I think they enjoyed.

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On Tuesday morning, we drove up to Myrtleford, Bright and Mt Buffalo (we didn't go up the mountain, much to my dismay). I always try to visit this area whenever I have some spare time because the countryside is always so beautiful, no matter what the season may be. During Autumn, Bright especially is known for its glorious fall leaves. They're so golden and float across the sky as the wind blows. In between stopping for Patrick to take photographs, we also stopped at a few of my favourite locations for capturing autumn leaves. I was in heaven.

I'm planning on going back to the area on ANZAC day weekend to take some more photos. Hopefully, I'll be able to find someone to model for me!

Here are a few photographs I also took on my iPhone during our trip:


On a side note, if you haven't noticed, I've updated the blog layout, colours etc. Please let me know what you think and if you like the new design! There are still are few things I would like to tweak! I've also added Disqus (finally) so that we can have actual conversations, and so that you can be notified when I reply!!

 Let me know what you got up to over the Easter holidays (if you were lucky enough to have some)!

April 10, 2015


The room goes dark.
A kiss goodnight.